Thursday, October 9, 2008

We're Here!

We've finally made it here to Alaska! This has got to be the most beautiful place in the whole world! If you thought a postcard was awesome you need to see it in the here and now! The ferry ride was pretty awesome. Only Basti got sick once...after that both him and I took the motion sickness meds! It was wild, we saw humpback whales, killer whales, dolphins and sea lions. Oliver and Jobi even saw 2 humpbacks jump out of the water in front of the ship.
About 30 minutes after we got off the ship we had to stop the car to see about 20-30 Bald eagles on the side of the road by some streams. They were there because of the salmon. The salmon were close enough and in shallow enough water that we could have pulled them out by our hands if we wanted to!

We pulled into Eielson AFB Tuesday evening to a nice warm 25 degrees and snow. I don't think that it has stopped snowing since we got here! First thing this morning the boys were outside in their jeans and sneakers playing in the snow. Didn't faze them at all! I hope there snow pants our at the post office when we check later! I'm sure they will get full use!

For those that asked about the dogs...Simon is loving it! He is such and outdoor dog. The boys can't wait to throw snowballs for him to catch. Now Tinkerbell is another story entirely! She doesn't want to be outside at all! I'm sure she'll get a lot of use out of her tiny parka and paw protectors! (For those of you that didn't know, we got a chihuahua before we left!)

I'm sure I'll update more once we get settled in! We're off to go get the kids to school!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

oh my goodness!!! That sounds SOOOO incredible!! I want to visit SO bad!! Good luck with the unpacking and getting settled. Share some pics soon!!!