Saturday, August 2, 2008

We Have A Buyer!

So one of the families that came to see the house want it! How awesome is that! I am trying not to jinx us! I will be so happy once we do the contract and stuff this coming week! Then most of my stress will be gone. That will just leave the house in SC to sell. It will be so nice not to have to pay 2 mortgages. One is enough for me. I don't think that we'll rent a house out again. Plus Alaska should be our last base that we're at while hubby is in the military. Well, at least stateside. We may try for one more overseas base before he retires but we'll see. We plan on putting all the money we make on these sells right back into a house in Alaska. This will be the equity in the house so that we have a nice down payment on our final house that we will live in for the rest of our lives!

I just keep hoping that everything goes through with the purchase. Life will be good then!

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