Sunday, July 13, 2008


Well, yesterday was an eventful day to say the least! I woke up super early to go over to my Mariya's house for a yard sale. I've had stuff in there garage that hasn't sold for the last 2 yard sales. Well, normally I am a cheapskate that tries to get every penny I can. Boy are things different when you are moving and just want to get rid of all the crap that accumulates in your home! Folks were getting things for a steal! We even put our old stove out on the curb with a free sign. It was gone in less than 24 hours! Thank you!

So, from 6:45 to noon I was over there selling all of our stuff. After that we all got in the car and drove the 7 hours to Oklahoma to see family. You know how it is when you move...have to visit everyone that you can because it could be another 4 years until we see them again! Thankfully the trip seemed to go fast. This only took 1 day...I am so not looking forward to a 12 day drive up to Alaska!

So, we're up here for the next week. I may or may not post more. It depends on if I have anything to write about.

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