Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Graduation Practice

Boy do you ever type or write a word and think it looks weird? Off topic but that's what the word practice above did to me! Didn't help that when I went to http://www.dictionary.com/ that it showed both practice and practise. Then they both looked wrong. Anyways...on to my original post.

Today I had my college graduation practice. Who'd of thought it would take me 10 freakin' years to get my Associates in Financial Management. Any who, tomorrow I walk in my cap and gown and get my degree. I did Finance in the military for 10 years. Do you really think that I ever plan on using this at all?!? Heck no! I've had my fair share of numbers and don't want to deal with anymore unless it is my own finances. But I won't turn it away. It will look good on a resume!

In other good news The House of Representatives just approved a bill that will allow those of us veterans awesome benefits of the MGI Bill! They will pay for a 4 year degree at a public college in the state that we reside. Plus a whole bunch of other things like housing allowance, $1000 towards books a year and even a one time up to $2000 towards certificate testing. For those of you that know me you know that I want to become a nurse. How awesome is this! This will totally help me get my degree. It is awesome because it brings the education benefits online to what veterans after WWII got. Plus military members will have the option of passing their benefits onto their dependents if they aren't going to use it.

Now for me I just have to find out what courses are offered at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Hopefully they have a nursing course otherwise I'll have to find something that will end up helping me towards a nursing degree. Wish me luck and all you vets out there better be going to school. I'm sure if folks don't use it they'll lose it! Up to $80K for school people!

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