Friday, June 27, 2008

Selling Your House

Did you ever notice that you never see the imperfections in your home until you have just closed on it or you are going to be selling it? Since we are moving we plan on selling our home that we live in and our rental house (was our home at our last base). Houses are just too expensive in Alaska not to! We'll really need the nice down payment.

Well, that means that you need to do any home improvements, painting etc. before folks start to come looking at the house. What stinks for us here in the home we're in is that we have 2 little boys that don't know how to open a door slowly! That means I have a bunch of door handle holes that I need to fix. I was a little freaked out that we were going to have to have someone do it and it would cost a lot of money. Well my friends let me tell you, is your friend! The first search I did brought me to this awesome website With a video and everything it showed me how to fix the holes easily and cheaply but not as a crappy fix either! I think this is my new favorite site! It has so many different posts on how to do just about anything! I'm really excited because I think that I'm just going to go get the stuff and do it myself and surprise the husband with my new expertise! LOL We also have a couple of chipped tiles in the house. Which again is not surprising with 2 boys that love to drop things. Again another easy fix! I am so loving it!

The only thing that sucks with the selling of our homes is our other house. It wouldn't be that bad if we lived close by (or went with a management company!) but the distance between Texas and South Carolina is quite a bit. Plus, for some reason (and I'll try not to blame the husband or kids) the signed lease I had has gone missing! I'm hoping we're not going to have problems with the tenants when I tell them that they need to repaint the rooms they painted back to white. I take full responsibility for the master bedroom color (what was I thinking when I painted it burgundy!) We'll see. I'm hoping that the realtor says that they are good colors and that we can just leave them as they are!

Really, as long as we can sell the house that we're in now I'll be happy. That is our big mortgage payment and I can always get a part-time job to pay the other one if need be. The husband has someone that is interested in coming to check it out already. I just have to get things cleaned up and fixed first! We haven't signed anything with the realtor yet so I'm hoping if they are interested that the realtor will give us a deal on the commission since it would only be the paperwork part that they'd be helping with.

This whole selling of house thing makes me super nervous! We've only ever bought houses. Now, both my realtor's are telling me that even in this downward spiral of people buying houses that both should sell relatively fast so I have my fingers crossed. I really don't want to be in a hotel forever to save money so we can pay mortgages for homes we're not living in! Oh well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Now if the husband would only get off his butt and do more out processing so we can get our orders and have the house packed and shipped I'll be a happy camper.

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